Ultrasonic welding equipment. Ultrasound equipment for welding, cleaning, sonoscreen

Production from the company "PUTECH"

Ultrasonic plastic welding equipment

Long-term world practice of the use of the ultrasonic welding in different industries of industry rotined convincingly, that this technology in two-three times promoted the labour productivity, cuts down expenses materials, reduces in price and intensifies the process of connection of thermoplastic materials as compared to another ways.

Application domain:
  • Motor industry
  • Packing and food retail industry
  • Instrument-making and engineer
  • Textile industry
  • Medicine
  • Transport
  • Production of toys and souvenirs

Ultrasonic welding of metals

Ultrasonic welding metals is used for connection of details of a thickness not greater than 2 mm from the same or different metals without melting. For these compounds are characterized by high strength and ductility, quality stability, resistance to aggressive environments, the tightness of a closed seam.

Application domain:
  • Electrical engineering products (replacement of technology of stake)
  • Production of collectors of solar stations
  • Instrument-making, engineer (torsionne ultrasonic welding)
  • Pipelines of plastics

All equipment for ultrasonic welding of metals can be divided into groups on the basis of receipt of the weld: linear welding, torsion welding, continuous welding, copper wires.

Table press �-4000 Torsionne press TSP
Table press
Torsionne press TSP

Equipment for ultrasonic welding wires

Ultrasonic welding of stranded wires TelsoSplice guarantees flawless electrical conductivity at the connection for a long time

Application domain:
  • Motor industry
  • Electrical engineering industry
Equipment for ultrasonic welding wires Splice Welding Equipment for ultrasonic welding wires TelsoSplice
TelsoSplice - Table TelsoSplice - Board

Equipment for the ultrasonic welding with cutting

The technological operation of the ultrasonic welding with cutting finds application at treatment of unfabrics linens from thermoplastic materials. Welding is carried out on the set contour (concernes the form of sonotrod) with the simultaneous felling.

Application domain:
  • Textile industry
  • Production of filters
  • Production of souvenirs
Equipment for the ultrasonic welding with cutting Thermal cutting Ultrasonic cutting
Equipment for the ultrasonic welding with cutting Thermal cutting Ultrasonic cutting

Equipment for ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning is a method of cleaning of solids, at which in washing solution ultrasonic vibrations are entered. The mechanism of the ultrasonic cleaning is stipulated the row of the phenomena which arise up in the ultrasonic field of considerable intensity: cavitations, acoustic flows, pressure of voice radiation, sound-capillary effect.

Application domain:
  • Engineering
  • Instrument-making
  • Electrical engineering
  • Medicine
  • Optics
  • Galvanics
  • Electrochemistry
Bath for ultrasonic cleaning USC Bath for ultrasonic cleaning Tube Transducer for ultrasonic cleaning
Bath USC Bath TPC and TMC Tube Transducer

Equipment for ultrasonic sonoscreen

Ultrasonic sonoscreen is sifting of dry mixtures (diameter of particles of 20-1000 mkm). Efficiency of the ultrasonic sifting considerably higher electro mechanics. Advantage of sifting of dry mixtures is obvious during work with finely-dispersible factions of 20-50 mkm. After sifting of particle "temporally" lose tripping and powder acquires properties of enhance able "fluidity".
A considerable effect is achieved at the joint affecting mixture of ultrasonic and low-frequency mechanical influence.

Application domain:
  • Painting (rough-down of polymeric powder)
  • Metallurgy (metallic and chemical sprinkles of snow)
  • Chemical industry (pigments, quartz sand)
  • Cosmetology (sprinkles of snow, powders)
  • Food retail industry (flour, sugar, spices, starch)
  • Pharmaceutical products
Equipment for ultrasonic sonoscreen Generator SG45
SonoScreen Ultrasonic
Sieving System
Generator SG45

The positioning system from German firm DriveSets

Ready to use in the process Positioning System. Contains all the necessary components for automation and handling tasks movement: kinematics, motors, control system, sensors, connecting elements and software. This contact connection, configured, tested and documented standardized device also equipped with a system guarantee. Offered in one-, two-and multi-axis performance, this system is designed to more than 36,000 variants.

The positioning system from DriveSets The positioning system from DriveSets
Positioning System from DriveSets

Українською Русский Power Ultrasobic Technologies

Kyiv, Ukraine

Ultrasonic cutting food

Equipment for welding of stranded copper wire. (Mobile Equipment)

Torsion ultrasonic welding system for TSP 8000 lamister packaging